Our ‘play based’ program has 45 children in grades 1-5 that mainly attend Westview School. The children are separated into two cohorts. SA1 uses Room 16 and SA2 uses the gym as their home base. We look forward to getting to know you and your child. We know that all children are unique and special. We feel fortunate to have the opportunity to spend our days with them. The following information is to help answer some questions that you may have.

Acknowledging the developmental needs of the children, some of the general goals and objectives we have are:

  • Encouraging independence in the children to make choices for themselves, when choices are available, in a safe environment.
  • Enhancing children's development in the three main areas-cognitive growth, social/emotional growth, and physical growth.
  • Providing developmentally stimulating play experiences
  • Allowing children to explore a wide array of natural and interesting materials to provoke curiosity so they may have a better understanding of the world around them.